We're on a mission
to build trust and confidence on the web

DigitalTrust is being developed by the team at BuySafe with one goal in mind… build a more trustworthy web. We give business owners tools and intelligence to improve the safety and trustworthiness of their site. In turn, we help website visitors feel confident while browsing and buying online.

BuySafe was founded in 2003 and has spent the last 15+ years helping ecommerce businesses build trust and confidence with shoppers via our innovative third party shopping guarantee programs. Building trust and confidence online is at the core of our corporate DNA.

DigitalTrust is an innovative expansion of our product suite providing:

Website owners – Simple tools and valuable intelligence to improve user trust and engagement on your website

Website visitors – Trustmarks to let you know you can browse websites with confidence

Have a suggestion on how to make DigitalTrust better? Think we got something wrong?
Reach out to us at support@getdigitaltrust.com